First Accredited ISO45001:2018
Certification Body in the world (Sep 2018)
OHSAS was first released in 1999, during which it was revised in 2007. The latest release is ISO45001:2018
The International Standards Organization (ISO) has determined that the ISO 45001 release date is March 2018. After the publication of this standard, it will replace the original OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) standard. Organizations currently certified by OHSAS 18001 will have 3 years (Mar.2021) to convert their OHSAS verification to ISO 45001 verification.
Expected results for verification of OHSAS 18001 certification "In the scope of defined validation, the organization of its proven Occupational Health Management System is able to manage its interaction with occupational health and demonstrate the following commitments:
A. Comply with applicable laws and other requirements.
B. Continuously improve its occupational health management system to achieve an improvement in its overall occupational health performance. "
Has obtained ISO 45001 certification verification, the meaning of its :
A. The process of obtaining certification verification must ensure that the organization has an occupational health management system that meets ISO 45001 requirements and is suitable for the nature of its activities, products and services. In particular, it must be able to prove the organization within the defined scope:
B. Occupational health policies that are appropriate to the nature, scale and impact of their activities, products and services.
C. It has confirmed that its activities, products and services can control and/or influence the occupational health shocks and have decided to have significant occupational health shocks (including matters related to suppliers/contractors).
D. There are procedures in place to identify applicable occupational health laws and other relevant requirements to determine how to apply to occupational health shocks and to update the information at any time.
E. Effective controls have been implemented to fulfill its commitment to comply with applicable laws and other requirements.
F. The measurable occupational health goals and targets have been defined in accordance with legal requirements and significant occupational health shocks, and are ready to achieve the goals and targets of the implementation plan.
G. Ensure that the people working for the organization or the people who represent the organization are aware of the requirements of their Occupational Health Management System and are competent to perform tasks related to potentially significant occupational health shocks.
H. Internal communication and response and communication (if necessary) procedures for external stakeholders have been implemented.
I. Ensure that operations related to major occupational health shocks are performed under specified conditions, and that monitoring and control can be a key feature of a major occupational health impact.
J. An emergency response procedure has been established and (if applicable) to test for occupational health impact events.
K. Regularly assess compliance with applicable laws and other requirements.
L. For the purpose of preventing non-conformities, and related procedures, to correct any non-conformities that have occurred. Analyze the reasons for non-conformities and take corrective actions to avoid recurrence
M. An effective internal audit and management review process has been implemented.
The International Standards Organization (ISO) has determined that the ISO 45001 release date is March 2018. After the publication of this standard, it will replace the original OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) standard. Organizations currently certified by OHSAS 18001 will have 3 years (Mar.2021) to convert their OHSAS verification to ISO 45001 verification.
Expected results for verification of OHSAS 18001 certification "In the scope of defined validation, the organization of its proven Occupational Health Management System is able to manage its interaction with occupational health and demonstrate the following commitments:
A. Comply with applicable laws and other requirements.
B. Continuously improve its occupational health management system to achieve an improvement in its overall occupational health performance. "
Has obtained ISO 45001 certification verification, the meaning of its :
A. The process of obtaining certification verification must ensure that the organization has an occupational health management system that meets ISO 45001 requirements and is suitable for the nature of its activities, products and services. In particular, it must be able to prove the organization within the defined scope:
B. Occupational health policies that are appropriate to the nature, scale and impact of their activities, products and services.
C. It has confirmed that its activities, products and services can control and/or influence the occupational health shocks and have decided to have significant occupational health shocks (including matters related to suppliers/contractors).
D. There are procedures in place to identify applicable occupational health laws and other relevant requirements to determine how to apply to occupational health shocks and to update the information at any time.
E. Effective controls have been implemented to fulfill its commitment to comply with applicable laws and other requirements.
F. The measurable occupational health goals and targets have been defined in accordance with legal requirements and significant occupational health shocks, and are ready to achieve the goals and targets of the implementation plan.
G. Ensure that the people working for the organization or the people who represent the organization are aware of the requirements of their Occupational Health Management System and are competent to perform tasks related to potentially significant occupational health shocks.
H. Internal communication and response and communication (if necessary) procedures for external stakeholders have been implemented.
I. Ensure that operations related to major occupational health shocks are performed under specified conditions, and that monitoring and control can be a key feature of a major occupational health impact.
J. An emergency response procedure has been established and (if applicable) to test for occupational health impact events.
K. Regularly assess compliance with applicable laws and other requirements.
L. For the purpose of preventing non-conformities, and related procedures, to correct any non-conformities that have occurred. Analyze the reasons for non-conformities and take corrective actions to avoid recurrence
M. An effective internal audit and management review process has been implemented.