Medical Device
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The Accredited Third-Party Certification Program is a voluntary program in which FDA recognizes “accreditation bodies” that will have the responsibility of accrediting “third-party certification bodies”. The certification bodies will conduct food safety audits and issue certifications of foreign food facilities. For additional information and guidance, see Accredited Third-Party Certification Program (TPP).
Tables below identify accreditation bodies that have been recognized and third-party certification bodies that have been accredited under the program.
VQIP: Voluntary Qualified Importer Program (VQIP) FSVP: Foreign Supplier Verification Plan(FSVP) PCQI: Preventive Controls qualified individual (PCQI) Food Facility & Medical Device Establishment • All FFR and MD Listing need DUNS number • All device establishments must complete their annual registration for each Fiscal Year between October 1 and December 31. • All establishments required to register must pay the user fee before registration. • That above need 2-3 business days • The FEI apply need 30 to 90 days • Other service need other service with contract, such as 510 K |